Tuesday, February 9, 2010

just for fun

thought it might be fun to play with different exposures of a picture....nothing serious here lol

after..... lol that was fun..but I don't really like messing with the pics too much.....I doubt if this will happen again lol.

1 comment:

  1. I personally like the "messed-with" photo. It provides a significant amount of much needed atmosphere to an otherwise dull/uninteresting photo.

    One thing a lot of non-photographers don't understand is that for as long as there has been photography, there has been "messing-with." The most famous photographers in the world through history have tweaked photos (in dark rooms and now on computers) to better convey what they saw in their mind's eye. We call this post processing and it's an important step. Hell, the camera does it every time you take a snap. It handles white-balance, exposure compensation, etc. Doing some of the work on the computer takes the control back from the camera and into the photographer's hand from start to finish.

    Keep working on your photos. I look forward to following your growth.
